Odin InfoFeb 6How cybercriminals are using Gen AI to scale their scamsWith generative AI, it’s easier than ever for cybercriminals to separate people and companies from their money and data.
Odin InfoNov 22, 2023Efficient Troubleshooting and Support: Exploring Activity Manager FeaturesCitrix Director’s Activity Manager is a powerful tool that allows administrators to troubleshoot and support user interactions in a Citrix e
Odin InfoNov 22, 2023Uncovering the power of passkeys and their resilience against phishing最有效的安全措施是能夠保護組織或個人,但不需要付出過多努力即可使用的保護措施。安全措施的便利性,可以增強法遵能力、也增加了安全性。這就是密碼金鑰的作用所在。
Odin InfoOct 20, 20235 Essential Features to Look for in an SMS Gateway ProviderSMS Gateway已經成為企業直接有效地與客戶聯繫的強大工具。無論您是發送行銷訊息、通知或交易警報,選擇正確的SMS Gateway供應商至關重要。為了確保您可以針對組織內的通訊需求做出最適合的選擇,以下是在SMS Gateway供應商中需尋找的五個重要功能:
Odin InfoOct 20, 2023How Development Teams Purchase SaaSAuth0在2020年10月發布了第一版報告《開發團隊如何購買SaaS》。該報告旨在確定開發人員對塑造組織的技術評估和購買過程的影響程度,以及這對SaaS採購是否能提供競爭優勢。
Odin InfoAug 22, 2023The future of work is anywhere, any time – not everywhere, all the time暫停VM會保存其記憶體、設備狀態和應用程式狀態,以便可以關閉昂貴的Google Cloud實例,並以更低的靜態存儲成本進行替代